Our Services


Naturopathic Patient Visits

I offer this to patients in Oregon where I am currently licensed. Insurance is only covered currently at MediPro Holistic Health and Nurture Integrative Health Clinic. We start with a 60 minute visit. This allows me time to understand your unique healthcare concerns. After the first visit, I typically do some lab work and give you a comprehensive plan. For more complex cases the comprehensive treatment may occur at the first follow up. Follow-ups are generally an 30-60 minutes.


Health Consults

This the best options of people who do not live in Oregon. These visits are not covered by insurance. In our first visit we will discuss your concerns and health goals. In this capacity I do not act as a physician so I do not order labs or prescribe medications. In order to consult with me in this capacity, I require clients to have an active medical care team in their local area who are responsible for advising them on the best medical decisions for their health.

Within this consulting model I offer:

1) one on one educational consults

2) Review records for a second opinion or treatment options.

3) Medical advocacy. I can attend your visit with your medical provider virtually to help advocate for your needs.